Identification report of titanium magnetite ore in a certain area

I. Types and characteristics of mineralized rocks

     The ore-bearing rock was originally observed as hornblende rock or pyroxene amphibolite , which has been subjected to different degrees of alteration, mainly sub-flash petrochemical and chlorite. According to the degree of secondary alteration and product, the ore-bearing rocks can be divided into the following three types:

     1. Moderately altered angle sporadic rock

     Rock about a 15 to 30% pyroxene, hornblende 20 to 40%, an opaque metal mineral composition of 5 to 10%, the balance being 20 to 40% hypophosphorous amphibole, see also a small amount of epidote, green Mudstone and meteorite. Remaining self-shaped ~ semi-self-shaped granular structure. The structure is metamorphic, ranging from 0.5 to 3 mm (plates 1, 2, 3, 4).

     It is obvious that the hornblende is replaced or eroded by the pyroxene, and the hornblende is sub-sulphurized to varying degrees. The so-called sub-flash petrochemical, that is, Yangqi petrochemical, tremolite petrochemical and both - and amphibole transition state. The secondary amphibole is slightly green and petrified. The pyroxene is often irregularly granulated due to the residue, or the edges are not neatly short, and the self-shaped short column is occasionally visible (Plates 1, 2). The hornblende can be seen as a semi-self-shaped column, and it can also be seen that the metamorphic perforated structure formed by the stilbite and the metamorphic structure (Fig. 3, 4). Vermiculite often appears near the boundary of the meteorite, and rutile cleavage occurs in hornblende.

     2, amphibole (altered) rock

     The rock has an illusion of subtlety and the residual structure (Plate 8, 10). The grain size is coarse and varies greatly, and the particle size is 1~10mm. The rock is composed of about 70~80% of amphibole, followed by ordinary hornblende 10~20%, metal mineral 10~15%, chlorite 5~10%, zoisite 3~5%, a small amount of vermiculite and calcite. . See that a very small amount of pyroxene remains in the hornblende. Ordinary hornblende is mostly left by secondary amphibole, and only a few have a self-shaped long column (Plate 8), the secondary amphibole is mainly brown (Amphibole to Twilap transition state), a small amount of actinolite, Chlorite and zoisite appear locally. Vermiculite is the product of the above mineral replacement process, and calcite is a late metabolized mineral.

     3, drapes - chlorite, amphibole (altered) rock

     Represent the residual structure, and replace the imaginary structure, the self-formed-semi-self-shaped structure, with a particle size of 0.2~4mm (plates 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, 14). The rock is composed of 25~35% opaque metal minerals, 20~30% amphibole, 10~15% ordinary hornblende, 10~20% zoisite, 10~15% chlorite, and also a small amount of hui. Stone, biotite and vermiculite, calcite.

     A very small amount of pyroxene is the earliest formed, and it is interdigitated in the hornblende. The hornblende is often illusory by the subalbumin and remains in it (Figs. 5, 6, 7, 13, 14). A small amount of biotite is agglomerated, and it is left by chlorite along the cleavage, and the secondary amphibole is replaced by chlorite along the edge.

It is worth mentioning epidote chlorite and fine particles constituting the aggregates appeared irregular lumps (5,6,7,11,12,13,14 plate), may be suspected yl plagioclase alteration The product, but there is no typical slab-like plagioclase illusion, if this is the case, the rock should be gabbro.

     The salient features of the mineral composition of rock alteration is complex, the strongest magnet mineralization.

     Among the above three types of ore-bearing rocks, the altered hornblende rock occupies two of the four specimens, and the two altered rocks each occupy one piece. It is obvious that the former is dominant in the ore, so the pyroxene and the hornblende should also It is the main gangue mineral.

     According to the variation structure and alteration products, the original rock is a metamorphic pyroxene amphibolite or hornblende rock, and it is suspected that there may be feldspar gabbro. The original rock has been altered to varying degrees, and some have become altered rocks. The total order of mineral formation is: pyroxene→hornblende or biotite→peronite or pebbles→chlorite→calcite. Vermiculite is the product of alteration process, as is some magnetite.

     Second, the mineral combination of ore

     The main ore minerals are titanium- containing magnetite, a small amount of ilmenite and pyrite, and the gangue minerals include ordinary pyroxene, hornblende, amphibole, epidote or zoisite, chlorite.

     (a), ore minerals

     1. Titanium-containing magnetite

     The most important ore minerals are between 10 and 35%, mostly self-shaped - semi-self-shaped - he appears in granular form, the particle size is generally 0.05 ~ 1mm, mainly concentrated in 0.1 ~ 0.6mm. The magnetite is distributed in the ore in an uneven dissemination pattern, and is mostly distributed between the gangue mineral particles and partly contained in the gangue minerals (Plates 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14). , 16, 17, 18), mainly independent monomer distribution, also see the appearance of twinning polymerization. [next]

     The interior of the magnetite often has a pitting structure (plates 15, 16, 17, 18), and the common octahedron is split, sometimes along with the solid solution of sheet ilmenite (Plates 15, 18). It is often replaced by iron chlorite along the edge (Plates 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14), occasionally visible by pyrite.

     According to the high temperature conditions, magnetite and ilmenite are solid solution, and they are separated or dissolved at low temperature. This magnetite should contain a certain amount of titanium.

     2. Ilmenite

     The ilmenite content is low, about 1~3%. There are two phases of ilmenite: the early ilmenite is mostly sheet-like (Plate 17), often etched into a strange shape, with a small particle size, 0.01~0.3mm, distributed in the cleavage of gangue minerals or between particles. The late ilmenite has a coarse particle size, generally 0.5~0.8mm, which is mostly granular or irregularly plated, and has pitting inside. It can be seen that ilmenite is occasionally replaced by limonite.

     3, meteorite

     The content is 1~2%, and it is often in the form of irregular granules in the secondary amphibole near the metamorphic pyroxene. The particle size is generally 0.1~0.4mm. They should be products of the pyroxene alteration process.

     4, rutile

     Small amounts <1%, only seen in the cleavage cracks amphibole, needle, particle size <0.1mm.

     5. Pyrite

     The content is 0.1~1%, the particle size is 0.01~0.5mm, from the self-shaped hexahedron to his granular shape, and occasionally it is replaced by limonite as the residual body (Plate 16). It can be seen that the pyrite-reversing magnetite indicates that it is formed at the latest. It often appears as an aggregate along the crack.

     (b) , gangue minerals

     1, augite

     It is one of the main gangue minerals, with a content of 1~30% and a particle size of 0.1~2mm. The pyroxene is self-shaped short column-shaped to irregularly granular, and the latter is mainly (Plate 1, 2). Forming first pyroxene, hornblende often, the residue was twice amphibole account, the internal piercing structure and often account account artifacts (2,3,4 plate), occasional confessed epidote.

     The yellowish color of the pyroxene in the flakes indicates that the titanium content is high. Considering that the pyroxene is the gangue mineral mainly containing titanium, the alteration products have more titanium-containing minerals such as vermiculite, which proves this, but it is more The chromaticity still does not reach the level of titanium pyroxene, so it is still defined as ordinary pyroxene. It is recommended to measure the titanium content by electron probe.

     2, ordinary hornblende

     Amphibole is one of the main gangue minerals, with a content of 10 to 40% and a particle size ranging from 1 to 10 mm. It is semi-self-shaped column to irregular grain. The hornblende is replaced by the pyroxene and is often replaced by the secondary amphibole. Therefore, the perforation is often explained, and the illusion and the residual structure are explained (Plates 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7).

Amphibole is a mineral transformed from pyroxene. It must inherit some titanium from pyroxene. Because of its high content, it should also be an important titanium-containing gangue mineral other than pyroxene.

     3, the amphibole

     The content in the four flakes varies from 20 to 80%, and the actual beneficiation sample content is similar to that of amphibole and pyroxene. The secondary amphibole is an amphibole and a pyroxene alteration product, so these two mineral artifacts (plates 1, 2, 4, 6, 5, 7) are often present. Just as mentioned above, the amphibole is actually a tremolite, a masculine stone and a combination of the amphibole and the latter, so it is difficult to separate from the hornblende. The secondary amphibole is replaced by chlorite along the edge or locally (Plate 8).

     4, chlorite

     Typical secondary altered minerals, 5 to 15%, often appear as fine-grained (<0.1mm) scale aggregates, with occasional leaf-like coarse crystals (0.5mm). Chlorites often interpret the secondary amphibole along the edge, sometimes directly accommodating hornblende or pyroxene (plates 5, 6, 8, 13, 14) speculated that they may have experienced the amphibole stage. The chlorite clearly replaces the magnetite along the edge (Plates 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14), and the biotite is replaced along the cleavage. The aggregates of chlorite and zoisite in the curtain-green mud amphibole alteration curtain are closely associated with magnetite (plates 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14). [next]

     5, zoisite and epidote

     Both are secondary minerals with a content change between 2 and 15%. The attapulgite appears in the altered hornblende rock, in the form of aggregates or gems. The zoisite appears in the altered rock and forms a mass with the chlorite to coexist with magnetite (Plates 5 and 6). , 7, 11, 12, 13, 14).

     6, black mica

     The content is 0~4%, which is seen in the altered rock suspected of gabbro, and appears as a thick plate and remains along the cleavage by chlorite.

     7, calcite

     The content is 0~2%, and the granular aggregates appear locally in the altered rocks, forming all the secondary minerals at the latest.

     Third, structural structure

     (1) , ore structure

     1, sparse - medium disseminated structure

     The metal ore mineral content is between 20% and 35%. It is the rich type of ore in the sample. It appears in the zoi-green mud hypochlorite alteration rock. The metal mineral has a fine grain size (0.1~0.5mm). Dense (Plates 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14).

     2, scattered scattered structure

     The metal ore mineral content is 5~15%, which occurs in the altered hornblende rock and the single primary amphibolite altered rock. Metallic minerals are relatively coarse (0.2 to 0.6 mm) (plates 1, 2, 3, 4, 8).

     (2) , ore structure

     1, self-shaped - semi-self-shaped - his granular structure

     The most important type of ore structure in the sample means that magnetite and ilmenite are self-shaped, semi-self-shaped and he-shaped in the ore-bearing rock, with a particle size of 0.06~1mm, concentrated in 0.1~0.6mm (Plate 4, 5). , 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18).

     2, inlay or contain structure

     Refers to the self-form - his granular magnetite and ilmenite are distributed in the coarse crystals of hornblende or amphibole (Plates 8, 9, 11, 12). It is also a common type of structure in samples. They are either guest crystals earlier than the main crystal, or they are in place during the confession process.

     3. Solid solution separation structure

     It refers to the distribution of ilmenite in the magnetite ore in the form of flakes or granules along a certain crystal direction (octahedron cracking) (Plates 15, 18), indicating that they form a solid solution at high temperatures, and dissolve and separate during temperature reduction.

     4, confession structure

     There are three cases: First, chlorite is replaced by magnetite along the edge or cracked (Plates 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14). This phenomenon is most common, especially in altered rocks. The second is the late pyrite replacement of magnetite. The third is limonite to replace pyrite (Plate 16), magnetite and ilmenite. The latter two cases are rare.

     5, the erosion structure

     It refers to the ilmenite shape which is not slat-like and grotesque, which is obviously caused by the erosion of later gangue minerals.

     As for the structural structure of ore-bearing rocks, strictly speaking, it is not an ore structure, which has been described in the ore-bearing rocks and will not be repeated here.

     Fourth, summary

     1. The main ore mineral in the ore is titanium-containing magnetite, a small amount of ilmenite, the ore has a star-sparse-moderate disseminated structure, and the main ore structure is self-shaped-semi-self-shaped-heteromorphic and embedded or containing Structure, useful mineral particle size is concentrated in 0.1~0.6mm.

     2. Titanium is mainly contained in titanium magnetite and ilmenite, but a considerable part is dispersed in pyroxene and hornblende.

     3. The ore-bearing rocks are hornblende or feldspar amphibolites with different alteration degrees. It is suspected that there are gabbro pre-rocks, and the complex composition alteration rocks are the best.

     4. The genesis of the deposit may be a magmatic-magmatic post-alteration metamorphic deposit.

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